Make intelligent decisions about how you optimize your office spaces and office-based resources.
Book a demoThe nature of work has changed. Not all employees go into the office everyday. Some work part-time, some work from home several days a week, and some work in remote locations.
We call these "Hybrid Workplaces".
OfficeMaps is full of features to help running a hybrid workplace easier.
Offering flexible working hours can be a major benefit to both organizations and their employees. By having the freedom to start early or finish late, employees can tailor their day to their individual needs. They might need to pick the kids up from school in the afternoon, or want to spend the morning in the gym and work later into the evening to get some “focus time”.
Employers benefit by having a workforce that is happier, more focussed, and more productive. They also get higher usage rates out of their shared spatial resources by having them vacant fewer hours out of the week.
OfficeMaps helps employees make their workday suit their lifestyle requirements. Colleagues can see when other employees have booked in, and adjust their own schedules to improve opportunities for collaboration.
As hybrid workplace software, OfficeMaps was built from the ground up to manage and improve flexibility in the workplace. Click on the link below to book a demo and see for yourself.
Fully remote working conditions offer a lot of advantages. Employers get access to the most talented people, not just the ones that live within an acceptable radius of the office. Employees get to skip the commute, and experience fewer interruptions in their workday.
But remote working can also make simple tasks, like sending or receiving deliveries, checking stock levels, or printing documents, more difficult and time-consuming than traditional office based work.
OfficeMaps helps fully remote employees overcome this barrier. By letting them know who is going to be around the HQ or the Warehouse to help them out. No more being “given the run-around” trying to find the right person.